Wednesday, August 19, 2009

I'm getting good at this...

Nearly perfect

Good form but EXTREMELY wee

Looks like a pine tree?!

So I've been having some pretty darn good pours recently and besides getting the frothing just about right, I've changed up my pouring technique. Instead of holding both the cup and the pitcher in the air I've started putting the cup on the counter and resting the spout of the pitcher on the edge of the cup. This lets me do a slower more consistent pour before I begin the rosetta "shake".

As you can see the results have been very good. Not master barista good, mind you. Just good enough that I'm pleased with the look I've achieved before it goes in my belly. After all, it's kind of a stupid thing latte art, because once you enjoy the drink the art is all but a memory. But yet it's still fun to do! I'm odd, what can I say.

As a side note, I'm getting MUCH better crema now that I have some robusta beans in my home roast once more. I don't know anywhere in town that carries them so I had to order online - 3 lbs to be exact and since I only use about 25-30g at most per roast I think I'm set for quite some time. :)

Happy ending of summer!


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MAS said...

Very nice. I just got a 100% Robusta espresso from Paradise Roasters. I haven't tried pouring on it yet. If I get anything decent, I'll post a photo.

Winnie said...

Hi Naug, I am a journalism student from Sydney. I am writing an article on latte art and MAS introduced this blog to me. I wonder if you can answer me a few questions about home latte art.
My email is
Please reply ASAP. Thanks a lot.