Sunday, July 13, 2008

Two wrongs don't quite make right

It's currently Sunday night and my Silvia machine is due to arrive UPS tomorrow. I'm excited about this, but also a bit apprehensive. I SHOULD be able to create much more consistent microfoam with this new machine and get better pulled shots and crema. My fear is that if my lattes aren't better then maybe I just can't improve. I'm sure I'm overthinking something as silly as coffee, but it's a hobby that (thanks to my latte-loving-brother Glenn) I've become rather passionate about recently - yes I'm a bit odd.

Besides the Silvia, I've also had to order a new tamper (my 49mm Reg Barber is no longer helpful with the Silvia's 58mm basket). I couldn't justify a $71 RB replacement (they were closer to $50 a few years back). I'm going with the Lava Tamp (~$22) but not the LT Deluxe which runs >$50. I also considered the Bumper Tamp $40 but instead went cheap with the optional upgrade to a Reg down the road.

Since I didn't plan my orders well, I will probably have my new machine before the tamper arrives. It will be hard to NOT give Miss Silvia a test run, but with its stock lame plastic tamper, I may just pass. :-)

Above are my last 2 art attempts. I'm not sure what was going on with the microfoam on the 1st - probably more of a MACROfoam if anything. Ha! The 2nd example is decent but I didn't time my pour very well and got a pretty small leaf but it was ALMOST the start of something good.

Happy 37th Birthday Big Bro!!


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