Tuesday, August 12, 2008


Yes, someday. Someday I will truly know what it means to create the perfect latte art. I am not complaining too much about where I'm at now. I mean a couple of months ago I couldn't pour anything like what I can today. Maybe only one out of 10 pours I'd even want to put on the blog due to their lack of anything "blog-worthy".

So, I shouldn't whine or complain too much about not having perfected my art yet. I do wish I was a bit more consistant. I knew that on this one I had too much foam and it wasn't forming a very tight froth in the pitcher. Once again I sort of circled the milk in initially and then slowed my pour near the end with the shake, but since the foam was lighter and too "foamy" I knew I wouldn't get very good detail in the rosetta.

The good news is that it DOES look like an actual rosetta, just one from a distance photographed with an out-of-focus telephoto lense or something. Ha ha.

Well, at least the coffee tasted good as usual and that IS all that matters, right?

Cya next time
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MAS said...

Looks good.

What type of milk are you using?

naug said...

I have to admit I'm using whole milk because it tastes better and I've read that it makes better microfoam.

I prefer 2% to drink or use on my cereal. I haven't tried anything but whole since I've had the Silvia, but for as little milk as I use per latte (6-8oz) I can live with a little more fat.

MAS said...

Yeah. I've been practicing with whole milk. I also like making macchiatos using half/half.

A top barista told me to avoid using milk that has been "ultra" pasteurized.

I wish grass-fed milk were cheaper. You should see the latte art they could make in Auckland.
Auckland Latte Art